Love’s Many Faces

I’m wondering about love

is it a smile
a wink
a word

a longing look

and what is love if
your eyes cannot see

a soft caress
a wet whisper
a fragrance that hugs your soul

and if your fingers cannot touch
your body can’t move or feel

what face of love finds its way

inside your heart

tio stib

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To Hug a Rose

I’m laughing
watching a blind man

a man craving intimate touch
tending to his garden

a garden filled with blossoms
delicate petals
heavenly scents

so much perfection

and yet

for all his need to embrace love
to hug life
he has filled his garden with roses
blissful beauty amidst
a sea of thorns

I smile
at the gardener

paradise can be painful

tio stib

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I told myself things would be so
I made this promise years ago

yet, in the waining of my days
that youthful zeal has lost its gaze

the hopes, the dreams of star crossed eyes
buried under life’s goodbyes

but I was loved
held heart close
by angels whom I treasured most

for when I came to be
another promise made to me
a force beyond what I could see
has filled my life with ecstasy

tio stib


do I miss her laughing voice

my heart cries out
straining to hear her call in the silence

do I miss the rose petal scent of her softness

each breath aching to know her once more

do I miss the way she tossed her hair
her playful smile that said 

I’m beautiful

do I miss her reaching out
to take my hand
to dance with me 
in blissful oneness


with every heartbeat

but most of all
I miss her

as her lips touched mine


tio stib

You might also enjoy: The Memory of a Single Rose; My Dementia Diary

All the Lovely People

the grocery clerk who
bags my things
the coffee man
who sometimes sings
postman, gardener, neighbors too
stopping by with

how are you?

all the lovely people
who lift me on my way
their nods, their smiles, their greetings
that brighten up each day

and as I lay my head to rest
my heart full, I must confess

my simple life
is richly blessed

tio stib

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A Daughter’s Love

she said
holding the spoon in front of
the silent face

she said softly
looking into the empty eyes
the eyes that once so dearly loved her

the lips parted
the spoon slipped in
the food swallowed


she set the bowl aside
gently wiped the mouth
the mouth that once had said

I love you

bending down
she ran her fingers through the greying hair
inhaled the scent
of innocence

pressing her lips
against her mother’s head
she kissed the child
she’d never had

tio stib

You might also enjoy: A Trail of Hearts; A Child’s Smile

Because once, I was loved by you

in the darkness left by death
as tears flow with sobbing breath
bereft and broke
a light shines through

because once
I was loved by you

your love
our life
was Everest
a dream fulfilled
a noble quest

a memory that guides me true

Because once
I was loved by you

standing on my road
no idea where I’ll find home

but my heart smiles
my strength renewed

Because once

I was loved

by you

tio stib

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